The Artists
William Collingwood 1819-1903
Artist - Royal Water Colour Society (R.W.S)
William Collingwood Smith 1815-1887
Artist - Royal Watercolour Society (R.W.S)
William Gershom Collingwood 1854-1932
Artist - Exhibited at the Royal Academy (R.A) - Founded Lake Artists Society
William Harding Collingwood Smith 1848-1922
Artist - Exhibited at the Royal Academy (R.A)
Art Works
William Collingwood
William Collingwood Smith
William Gershom Collingwood
William Harding Collingwood Smith
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The book "Sögustaðir" contains photographs of watercolours by William Gershom Collingwoods. Collingwood travelled west of Iceland in the summer of 1897. One hundred years later, Einar Falur retraces his steps and photographs the same places. The National Museum of Iceland has preserved 203 works by Collingwood and, as a result of the publication of the book, Einar Falur presented an exhibition in the Bogasal Museum on some of Collingwood's works and Einars own photographs.
Sögustaðir: Einar Falur Ingólfsson.